Russell Tovey Is Thankful That He’s Not “Really Effeminate”

Yikes. Looking star Russell Tovey might have some backtracking to do this week after a new interview published by the Guardian.

In it, Russell details his experience growing up gay and reveals that he’s glad he’s not “really effeminate.”

“I feel like I could have been really effeminate, if I hadn’t gone to the school I went to. Where I felt like I had to toughen up,” he said. “If I’d have been able to relax, prance around, sing in the street, I might be a different person now. I thank my dad for that, for not allowing me to go down that path. Because it’s probably given me the unique quality that people think I have.”

How did the actor’s dad prevent him from going “down that path” to effeminacy? By refusing to allow him to go to theater school, where, you know, gay men learn to lisp and prance and let their wrists go limp. Russell says that because he’s not effeminate, he’s been able to have the acting career he’s enjoyed.

Can’t wait for the “clarification” on this one.

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